India’s relationship with coffee dates back centuries. The story begins in the 1600s when Baba Budan, a revered holy saint, brought seven Mocha seeds to the hills of Karnataka. This simple act of planting seeds in his hermitage courtyard in Baba Budan Giri marked the beginning of India’s rise as a significant coffee producer. Over the years, coffee cultivation has transformed from a modest practice into a booming industry. Today, India stands as the seventh-largest coffee producer in the world, with exports reaching an impressive $1.29 billion in the fiscal year 2023-24. This figure is nearly double the $719.42 million recorded in 2020-21.
Growing Global Demand for Indian Coffee
The surge in India’s coffee exports can be attributed to the increasing global demand for its rich and unique flavors. In January 2025 alone, India exported over 9,300 tonnes of coffee, with major buyers including Italy, Belgium, and Russia. Approximately 75% of India’s coffee production consists of Arabica and Robusta beans, primarily exported as unroasted beans. However, there is a notable shift towards value-added products, such as roasted and instant coffee, which is further driving the export boom.
The rise of café culture, coupled with higher disposable incomes, has led to a growing preference for coffee over tea among Indian consumers. This trend is evident in both urban and rural areas. Domestic coffee consumption has increased from 84,000 tonnes in 2012 to 91,000 tonnes in 2023. This shift reflects a broader change in drinking habits, as coffee becomes a staple in daily life for many Indians.
Coffee Cultivation in India: A Rich Heritage
India’s coffee is primarily cultivated in the ecologically rich Western and Eastern Ghats, known for their biodiversity. Karnataka leads the nation in coffee production, contributing 248,020 metric tonnes in 2022-23, followed closely by Kerala and Tamil Nadu. These regions are home to shaded plantations that not only support the coffee industry but also play a crucial role in preserving the natural environment. They help maintain the ecological balance of these biodiversity hotspots.
The Coffee Board of India has launched several initiatives to enhance coffee production and meet the growing domestic and international demand. The Integrated Coffee Development Project (ICDP) focuses on improving yields, expanding cultivation in non-traditional regions, and ensuring the sustainability of coffee farming. These measures are part of a comprehensive strategy to strengthen India’s coffee industry, increase productivity, and enhance its global competitiveness.
Empowering Communities Through Coffee Farming
A prime example of successful coffee farming is found in Araku Valley. Here, nearly 150,000 tribal families have collaborated with the Coffee Board and the Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA) to increase coffee production by 20%. This achievement is supported by loans from the Girijan Co-Operative Corporation (GCC). It demonstrates how coffee farming empowers communities and aligns with the vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat, or self-reliant India.
These initiatives, along with export incentives and logistical support, play a vital role in expanding India’s coffee industry. They not only improve domestic production but also enhance global competitiveness. As India continues to establish itself as a leading player in the global coffee market, the future looks bright for this beloved beverage.
source: / Observer Voice / Home> News> National / by Shalini Singh / January 21t, 2025