Digi-forward: Gram Panchayat member takes computer classes for tribal kids in Madikeri

Child computer

Since the area has many kids from the backward classes and tribal community, classes on computers have become a boon to these kids.

A Gram Panchayat member in Kodagu district has taken the unique initiative of educating tribal kids with computer knowledge.

The computer classes are held once a week at the digital library in the village and witnesses enthusiastic participation from the kids. “Every panchayat makes plans for the development of the roads and other infrastructure work. However, I looked forward to doing something for the rural kids,” shared Mukkatira Ritesh Biddappa, Grama Panchayat member of K Badaga village. 

With the support from the Panchayat PDO and other members, he drew a plan to start computer classes for the kids from economically backward classes in the area. “The panchayat is equipped with a digital library and the classes began here two weeks ago. I take classes on computer basics every Saturday,” he explained. 

Since the area has many kids from the backward classes and tribal community, classes on computers have become a boon to these kids. Currently, Ritesh is taking classes for sixth and seventh grade government school students in the village. “After six months of basic training, I will involve another batch of students and this will continue,” he confirmed. 

While Ritesh was working in a finance company in a city, he moved back to his hometown to do some social service. “Grama Panchayats must not be constrained to just infrastructure work. There are several other initiatives that can be thought through, keeping in mind the needs of the people,” concluded Ritesh.

source: http://www.edexlive.com / The New Indian Express, Edex Live / Home> News / by N Dhamotharan, Edex Live / April 04th, 2022

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