Fashion choreographer Prasad Bidapa’s take on best, worst things in Budget

Prasad Bidapa, Fashion choreographer and stylist

The best thing about the Budget is that it’s citizen-centric and investment-based, a national Budget for Indians, says Bidapa.

Does the Budget address the distress caused by the pandemic?

I hope the new health care package will help control the Covid-19 pandemic better and speed up the vaccination process. Efforts to tackle the crisis and vaccinate people have to be implemented better across the country.

Will this Budget help the economy and create jobs?

I should hope so. The stimulus packages featured in the Budget are good. It’s people-friendly and an overall good Budget that should drive the economic recovery.

What is the best thing about the Budget? And the worst?

The best thing about the Budget is that it’s citizen-centric and investment-based, a national Budget for Indians.

It’s a great relief for taxpayers that rates on the direct tax front have not been increased.

Senior citizens, however, could have been given relief from the age of 65 years instead of 75 given the health challenges in the post-Covid-19 scenario.

The worst thing in the Budget is the agriculture infrastructure cess that will be imposed on petrol and diesel. It is not good and will further jack up inflation.

If you were the Finance Minister, what would you have done with the Budget?

On the specific opening and promotion of textile parks, I would have reserved at least 20 per cent for the handloom and khadi sector, which have enormous export potential, especially in the luxury sector. We need to incentivise the handmade and craft sectors of India, which are unique to us.

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