Mangaluru: St Agnes College felicitates Poovamma


With a view to empower and encourage young women achievers, St Agnes College (autonomous) organized a felicitation programme for Poovamma, an Indian spinster who hails from the district.

The programme was held on September 14 at St Agnes College.

Sr Dr M Jeswina AC principal St Agnes College, Sr Dr Venisssa AC, vice principal St Agnes College, Malavika, dean administration and Vasudha, physical education directress were present for the programme.

Vasudha, the physical education directress of the college welcomed the gathering.

Ladleen Monteiro introduced Poovamma to the gathering who was then felicitated by the dignitaries on the dais. Poovamma addressed the gathering and said that with hard work and determination, one can surely achieve great heights.

This was followed by a short message by the principal Sr Dr M Jeswina AC wherein she encouraged the students to take inspiration from Poovamma’s life.

Vijayashree, the sports secretary proposed the vote of thanks.

The programme concluded by singing the college anthem.

source: / / Home> CampusBeat / by Media Release / Mangaluru – September 18th, 2018

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