Tag Archives: Shubra Aiyappa – Yoga Instructor

I’ve always been intrigued about how people feel: Shubra Aiyappa

I’ve always been intrigued about how people feel: Shubra Aiyappa © Provided by The Times of India

Model and actress, Shubra Aiyappa, who abandoned formal education at 18 to pursue her passion of acting, feels that the right environment is crucial for one to be able to chase what their heart desires. In a conversation with us, she talks about her upbringing and emphasises the need for balancing boundary setting with being sociable.


“I excel at getting people to open up. My fascination lies in understanding emotions rather than actions, delving into the nuances of individuals,” says Shubra, talking about how most people she meets feel at-ease confiding in her. “My friends say I could have been a therapist, if not an artiste,” she adds.

Giving context to this nature of hers, she explains how all of her life’s learnings have been experiential. “Whatever I have learned in life has been through books and experiences. Stories inspired me and helped me do better in life. I hope to create a space where people can be open and vulnerable. When people share their stories with me, I just hope that those who’re listening find learnings and inspiration to keep going from it, because life will always hand you failures along with successes, and it all boils down to how you confront your testing times.”

‘I’m grateful to my parents for letting me carve my own path in life’

I come from a simple South Indian family. I took part in a modelling contest which I never thought I’d win but when I did, I told my parents that I will be discontinuing my formal education, and they agreed. I think I flourished because they let me carve my own path.

source: http://www.msn.com / further acknowledgement: The Times of India / by Devika V Menon / December 17th, 2023

It was the most rewarding journey: Shubra on becoming a certified yoga instructor

Actor Shubra Aiyappa went off the grid for a month to achieve her wellness dreams.

Shubra Aiyappa receives her certificate after a month of rigorous training

Actor Shubra Aiyappa recently decided to become a certified yoga instructor. Sharing her motivation around this step, she says, “I’ve been practising yoga for a few years now. The benefits of the practice drove me to go deep into it. This was definitely the most rewarding and transformative journey of my life.”

Despite the benefits, becoming a yoga instructor wasn’t an easy stint for the Thimayya & Thimayya (2022)actor. To work on her yoga practice, Aiyappa decided to cut off from the world for a month to join a yoga school in Mysuru. “We weren’t allowed to have our phones except for an hour during the day,” the 33-year-old actor shares, adding, “For the first few days, I couldn’t take this rigorous routine. I had some breakdowns and I kept asking why I chose to do this to myself. But, as time went on, I got used to it.”

In addition to the challenges at the school, Aiyappa admits she was terrified to put her acting on hold for a month. “There’s always an itch which makes you feel you’re missing a call or a scene that can change your life — It was really difficult for me to let that go. I was afraid I’d become irrelevant if I wasn’t active on social media. But that’s never the case. It was all about setting boundaries. I even put a film I’m currently doing on hold for this course,” the Prathinidhi (2014) actor quips.

The actor, now a certified yoga instructor, is happy to impart knowledge about the mind-and-body practice to her family and friends. Ask if she’s ready to take it professionally, she shares, “Teaching it professionally is not on the cards yet. I’ve always wanted to do something in the wellness space. While I don’t know how I’d execute it, I have some ongoing plans,” she signs off.

source: hindustantimes.com / Hindustan Times / Home / by Aayushi Parekh / March 06th, 2024