Federal officials say up to 23 million Americans may have developed long COVID health problems that last long after an initial infection.
Although research on long COVID is still in the early stages, there are already plenty of programs offering help.
Even simple things are big accomplishments for 71-year-old Rick Cannon, 18-months after he first got COVID-19.
“I remember being in the ER and then falling asleep. And that’s the last I remember till I woke up in middle November,” he said.
But it took another five months – until April 2021 – before Rick went home.
He was 121 pounds, couldn’t taste or smell, had stroke-like weakness on his left side, neuropathy and drop foot in both feet.
Dr. Mithra Maneyapanda of Bryn Mawr Rehab Hospital says every patient in the Post-COVID program is different – some with one symptom, some with many.
“Brain fog, trouble with memory, word-finding difficulties. They can also have physical symptoms, whether it’s difficulty with weakness, fatigue – some patients are still displaying shortness of breath and chest pains,” he said.
Others have mood issues. Because the causes are still unknown, the treatment focuses on each symptom.
“They might see physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech language pathologists, psychologists…,” said Dr. Maneyapanda.
Rick’s drop foot was surgically fixed, so his recovery is finally gaining speed.
“I can walk six or seven minutes without getting exhausted,” he said. “I can go up the steps, down the steps. I can get in the shower.”
Physical therapists say hard work by patients here and at home is paying off.
“I just had somebody the other day that said, ‘ have felt like myself for the past four days’,” said Julie Biely, P.T.
Each patient like Rick is also helping expand Bryn Mawr Rehab’s knowledge, and that will help future patients.
“Once the science catches up, we’ll have more targeted treatments to offer,” said Dr. Maneyapanda.
source: http://www.6abc.com / abc- Action News / by Tamala Edwards / March 17th, 2022
Actress Daisy Bopanna had contracted coronavirus recently and has fully recovered now! Daisy was asymptomatic and isolated herself immediately upon knowing.
She says, “I isolated and informed everyone that I had been in contact with. The worst aspect of contracting the Covid-19 is the absolute mental pressure to restrain the virus from spreading further. After quarantining for 10 days thankfully it has now been confirmed that I am Covid negative.”
Daisy stayed positive throughout the ordeal. She said, “There was also a silver lining too. I got to spend a lot of time self-actualising and introspecting.”
When asked how she spent her time in the quarantine she said watching shows and movies online was rather fun. She added, “I read quite a few books as well. To be honest, I was always an avid reader and self-isolation gave me the time to read a few books that were on my wish-list.”
source: http://www.tribuneindia.com / The Tribune / Home> Lifestyle / January 15th, 2022
During my career, I have tried to learn broad-based skills rather than restrict myself to surgery alone, says Dr Kavery Nambisan
Dr Kavery Nambisan at her health clinic. Credit: DH Photo
I wound up my surgical career of 36 years in 2015 and all I wished for was to hang up my white coat and stay in the dream home that me and my husband Vijay were building in a village near Ponnampet in Kodagu, Karnataka. A house with a freshwater well, enough space for a garden, a few beautiful old trees; and a high-tiled roof that has leaked faithfully during the rains.
But secretly, secretly, I knew it was not finished. I found myself dreaming of operations (visualising them step by step), of hospital wards, a nurse’s shout, of stretchers screeching between my ears, the irascible phone bullying me out of bed.
Surgery is a bold and often risky venture. Risky because your work is a hair’s breadth away from life throbbing inside minute channels within flesh and bone; your fingers move in a disciplined trance and if you are a fraction of a millimetre off your target, you might nick life itself.
Patients line up outside her clinic. They mostly come in the morning hours from distance of up to 20 km
A month later there I was, with my rented room nestling between two barber shops. “Any professional doubts you might have, you can seek their advice,” teased Vijay as we drove back home. “Righto. When you come to me as a patient, I’ll borrow their instruments.”
Unobtrusively, I made the switch from the scalpel to the stethoscope. During my career, I have tried to learn broad-based skills rather than restrict myself to surgery alone. I worked in various departments of bigger hospitals and in teaching institutions. . It helped me enormously. As a general practitioner too, I am asked to attend to a wide variety of cases. I try to keep abreast of my medical knowledge by reading, and interacting with colleagues.
In cities, the medical profession is compartmentalised into specialities but in a small rural town, most people do not have the means to hop between doctors. My clinic is open in the morning hours only, so patients started to come home. They were the daily wage-earners who live near us and neighbours on ‘friendly visits’ who inveigle you into checking blood pressure or treating migraine or a skin rash. We partitioned off a portion of the veranda and I stocked up essential medicines and, injections, bandages and splints. Rural cordiality ensures that patients are willing to wait while I finish bathing, boiling the milk, burning chapatis or finishing a call. The telephone, especially the ‘mobile’ pins down the user in more ways than one. We doctors have it hard. “Dactre, are you at the aaspathre? No? My son has earache. I’ll bring him to your house right away.”
Some of the privileged classes are put off by the equalizer effect of my scruffy clinic. “You should discourage these labourers. They spread all sorts of diseases. And how can you trust them? They will observe everything, then come back and rob,” says a neighbour. Never mind that there has been no such incident in the village. The fish-seller stops by late in the evening. He has had no time to go home for a bath before coming to the clinic and is apologetic about the odours that waft in with him. A woman I am treating for her arthritic pains regularly requests me to ‘hide’ a few hundred rupees for her, safe from her husband. I think the man knows, or do I imagine the scowl on his face when he meets me?
Excitement is always round the corner. Patients come in with the warning signals of a ‘heart attack’, with epileptic seizures, dog bites and injuries following drunken brawls.
Between patients, I have time to reflect. I can help patients by treating them when they fall sick but the real need is to prevent them from falling sick. The irony is that my surgical career is almost all about cure and not prevention. You have a lump? I’ll cut it out. A blockage? I can unblock it. Broken bone? I’ll fix it. The results are immediate and patients, grateful. The great bulk of medical thought, medical progress and medical expenditure goes into curing patients after they fall sick. In comparison, a negligible amount is spent on prevention of disease. In medical colleges, the learning of Preventive Medicine (and Community Health) gets low priority and is somehow made to seem dull and uninspiring. It is a huge mistake.
The average citizen is led to believe that the entire responsibility for his malady rests with the doctor. Not so. It is important to understand how the body functions and to learn about your illness by asking the doctor. I like explaining to patients and those that listen find it far easier to overcome their illness because it encourages them to take charge of their own bodies.
The first step is for the patient to understand the why of his or her ailment and then the how of treatment. The main causative factors of illness are heredity; environment; diet; stress; and lack of physical activity. If every citizen is provided with clean surroundings, uncontaminated water, simple nutritious food and the amenities for physical exercise, and if mental wellbeing is ensured, many of us can live beyond a hundred years, in good health.
We live because of it, (and at times for it) but we cannot live without it: Food. Nearly half the world’s population survives on less than the required amount; the rest of us eat way too much. We worry about the waistline but care little about wastage. Sixty percent of the patients who visit my clinic are well on their way to weakened hearts, afflicted livers and the degeneration of other organs all brought on by ill-considered eating. Diseases that were once the privilege of the upper class now punish all of society. Awareness about healthy food reaches the educated first. A person moving from poverty to relative wealth goes for fried snacks, bakery goods and fizzy drinks.
The director of a company that produces a popular brand of biscuits said in an interview that Indian mothers are ‘aware’ of the health benefits of biscuits. They use it as the first solid food given to babies. The power of advertising! A young woman who works as a domestic help told me that she never cooks breakfast. Her family of four starts the day with tea and glucose biscuits. India will definitely need more dentists to take care of a generation with early dental caries. The media supplies misinformation in the form of advertisements tangled with facts. Unhealthy high-end pap is shamelessly lauded by celebrities who will not touch them. The more expensive the goods being sold, the more treacherously untrue the superlative qualities extolled.
Mental wellbeing is an ill-understood term. The mind must be able to function in a smooth and happy manner for the individual to get the best out of life. Emotional grace provides us with the ability to understand and act towards the collective betterment of people everywhere, without the prejudice of narrow divisive factors. Even in our (seemingly) tranquil rural setting where I work, stress is a constant factor. Nothing is more worrisome than hunger, homelessness, unemployment and a lack of dignity.
Many ailments are triggered or aggravated by the occupation one pursues (see box). Almost always, patients are surprised when you tell them such facts. Some of them make the effort to address the problem.
Lessons from the pandemic
The Covid pandemic taught me many things. The one fact that came back to me strongly during these two years is that the pandemic itself would not have happened if the world was more tuned to prevention of infectious disease.
An infection is when another living organism (bacteria, virus, or parasites) invades some part of the human body, multiplies and destroys the equilibrium. A simple example is when there is a cut injury to the skin which gets ‘infected’ and pours out pus; as also a common cold, where a virus enters the nose, throat and lungs, causing various respiratory symptoms like nasal congestion, throat pain, cough and fever. The defence mechanism of the body called the immune system tries to fight the invader by sending an army of white blood cells to the breached zone. If the body immunity manages to win, it stops the virus from multiplying. The cut injury heals fast, the cold is cured with ease. If immunity is weak, the virus gains easy entry through the skin and soft tissues or rampages through the throat and lungs causing serious problems.
The mechanism is no different in Covid patients. A person who has a strong immune system can fight the virus and thus avoid infection or get away with a mild attack. Those with weakened immunity, (diabetics, hypertensives and patients with kidney disease or malignancy) are more prone to serious disease.
With hindsight, it is easy enough to point out that the first ‘lockdown’ in March 2020 was botched because of the abrupt manner in which it was introduced. Our Prime Minister announced it a mere four hours earlier, giving no time whatsoever for those employed in various jobs and industries to make any plans for the fallow period that followed. (South Africa announced its lockdown four days early; Bangladesh gave a week’s notice before shutting down.) The plight of millions of our migrant workers suddenly rendered homeless and foodless, trudging back to their villages in inclement weather, their suffering and deaths cannot be forgotten. We had just one positive case of Covid infection in our district of nearly six lakh people. For several months afterwards, the lockdown was our problem. With no public transport, patients who suffered from chronic and acute ailments were unable to seek medical help.
Based on the experience of doctors in other parts of our country and abroad, I started using Ivermectin in early cases and referred only the more severe cases to the Madikeri hospital. I also used the drug as preventive medicine in a once-a-week dose for family members of infected persons and in all frontline workers in society, like the police, traffic inspectors, autorickshaw and taxi drivers, shopkeepers, vendors — all those who have to go out on work. It is best supplemented with immunity-enhancing vitamins and minerals — Vitamin C, Zinc and Vitamin D3, B complex and iron. I have been taking weekly Ivermectin through this entire period.
During the course of two years, the above method (along with simple antibiotics and cough medications) has been used in several European, Asian, African and South American countries. In Australia and the US, it is used by private practitioners but not advocated by the government. India has done a flip-flop, chiefly because of the confusing signals put out by the WHO. It is difficult to understand why the above simple measures to combat the virus have not been checked more vigorously; and why, when there are over sixty peer-reviewed trials that prove the efficacy of Ivermectin in humans, it is dismissed as “horse medicine”. WHO only needs to check its own statistical records which clearly states that over three billion doses of Ivermectin have been used worldwide since its discovery in 1976. If it were indeed ‘horse medicine’, how come we are not seeing serious side-effects or deaths due to its use?
In India, we have reputed doctors in cities and villages who have consistently used the drug to treat early Covid infections. Several state governments (UP, Odisha and Goa among them) have quietly added it to the medicine kits given to health care workers who treat quarantined Covid patients. The number of Indians treated so far would run into lakhs.
It is possible that with early and judicious use of Ivermectin, we could have avoided most of the hospital admissions, the use of antiviral drugs of doubtful efficacy, non-essential CT scans, oxygen dependence, ICU care and even death. It is puzzling and downright appalling that the WHO should continue to undermine its efficacy and safety, quoting a single hastily conducted clinical trial as the reason for its disbelief and ignoring all the other successful trials done the world over.
Effective vaccination for all, physical distancing and hygiene and early detection with treatment will curtail suffering and deaths. Our vaccination drive must pick up more speed and reach everyone. Many countries having vaccinated only a minuscule number of people, the danger of a prolonged Covid War which affects all countries might become a reality. We in India cannot afford to have another deadly surge. Malnutrition and undernutrition have increased by nearly 20% as compared to 2019.
The aftermath of the Covid years will shape the course of our nation and define the quality of life we leave for the younger generations. One can only hope that we will have learnt something from our failure. The most important lesson I have learnt is that the scales which are heavily tilted in favour of curative medicine must tilt in favour of preventive measures. And when a cure is necessary, we must try to opt for the most basic method or drug that will do the work.
I have used up a great deal of space to state a single, most obvious truth: Keep it simple.
(Kavery Nambisan is a surgeon and novelist. Her latest work ‘A Luxury Called Health’, published by Speaking Tiger, is now available online and on the stands. She can be reached at kavery.nambisan@gmail.com)
source: http://www.deccanherald.com / Deccan Herald / Home> Special Features / by Kavery Nambisan / January 29th, 2022
Mandya stands 4th and Mysuru, at 10 with 98% and 62% vaccination coverage respectively
Kodagu has topped the State in administering COVID-19 vaccines as it surpassed its vaccination target set for the mega drive conducted on Wednesday for improving vaccination coverage.
Hailed as one of the best performing districts in vaccination coverage, Kodagu on Wednesday administered vaccines to 11,281 persons as against the target of 8,000, registering 141 percent progress. The number of persons vaccinated was updated till 5.30 p.m. The total number vaccinated on this day was 7,78,660 persons (39%) as against the target of 20 lakh.
Mandya has achieved 98% progress as 59,034 persons got their vaccine in the drive. The target fixed for Mandya was 60,000. Mandya stands fourth in the State in terms of vaccination coverage achieved at Wednesday’s drive.
Though Mysuru is one of the largest vaccinated districts in the State, it could not achieve the target of vaccinating 65,000 persons as it could inoculate 4,0127 persons, achieving a 62% target. Mysuru stands 10th among the best performing districts.
Chamarajanagar is rated among the poor performing districts based on the achievement it made in the drive held on Wednesday as it could register 26% progress in coverage, vaccinating 13,004 persons as against the target of 50,000.
The target set for BBMP in Bengaluru was 3.5 lakh but it could achieve 40,710 coverage, registering 12% achievement.
Zero cases
Meanwhile, Kodagu has reported zero COVID-19 cases on Wednesday, after a gap of many months since the second wave.
It was categorised as one of the high-risk districts earlier this year because of its proximity to Kerala where the pandemic had caused havoc with unrelenting cases though infection rate dropped in other neighboring states. With tight vigil in areas bordering Kerala, the authorities could prevent spread cross-border transmission. Also, Kodagu is also among the top districts with highest vaccination coverage.
Kodagu has 57 active cases. No deaths were reported on Wednesday. “The district’s positivity rate is now 0%,” said Deputy Commissioner B.C. Satish.
source: http://www.thehindu.com / The Hindu / Home> News> States> Karnataka / by Special Correspondent / Mysuru – November 24th, 2021
The work on an oxygen generation unit built at a cost of Rs 1 crore at Somwarpet government hospital has been completed. The required machines and generation unit have been installed.
The plant can generate 390 litres of oxygen per minute, which will be a boon for the patients.
After facing a shortage of oxygen during the second wave of Covid-19, the government had planned to set up oxygen plants in the government-run hospitals.
Pipelines have been laid to supply oxygen to 50 beds for Covid infected and non-Covid infected patients in the government hospital.
Without the unit, the oxygen cylinders had to be refilled in Mysuru in the past.
With the unit capable of generating 390 litres of oxygen per minute, the need for oxygen from Mysuru will not arise, said officials.
The compressor, ventilator and oxygen concentrators have already been procured, said Pushpak of the contracted firm.
People from rural areas in Somwarpet taluk are dependent on the government hospital for treatment. In case of emergency oxygen requirements, the patients had to be rushed to Madikeri, Mysuru and Hassan for treatment in the past.
Dr Shivaprasad, who works at the hospital said, “Compared to the first wave, more people had succumbed to Covid-19 during the second wave. The experts have already warned of a possible third wave. Already, 15 to 20 Covid infected people are undergoing treatment in the hospital. The plant will help in the use of oxygen as per the requirement.”
MLA M P Appachu Ranjan said that the work on the generation plant has been completed. With the help of Rs 1 crore from Mobius Foundation, the work on an oxygen generation unit at Kushalanagr has also been completed.
Both the units will be inaugurated next week, he added.
source: http://www.deccanherald.com / Deccan Herald / Home> State> Mangaluru / by DHNS, Somwarpet / October 05th, 2021
The experts in the state have warned that the third wave might reach its peak either in October or November.
The Designated Covid Hospital in Madikeri. Credit: DH photo
Though the Kodagu district administration has taken steps to check the outbreak of the third wave of Covid-19, the district sharing its border with Kerala has proved to be a hurdle.
The rise in Covid-19 cases in Kerala is a cause of concern for Kodagu district.
The district administration is implementing the advice of the technical expert committee.
The experts in the state have warned that the third wave might reach its peak either in October or November. The district administration is preparing itself to brace for the situation.
Deputy Commissioner Charulata Somal has directed officials to vaccinate all those who are above 18 years on a priority basis in the villages sharing its border with Kerala.
Further, the check posts have also been strengthened.
To tackle the third wave, steps have been taken in the taluk, said Somwarpet taluk medical officer Dr Srinivas.
Four to five beds have been reserved in all the government hospitals in the taluk. The health camp for children has already been conducted at hotspot areas of Nelyahudikeri, Valnoor-Tyagathoor, Suntikoppa, and other areas, he said.
A health check-up is organised for even pregnant and lactating women and they have been administered vaccination. The work on an oxygen generation plant is in progress at Somwarpet at a cost of Rs 1 crore. The work on installing machines is pending, he added.
Further, the border area check posts in Shanivarasanthe, Kodlipet, Shanthapura and others have been strengthened in the district.
Circle Inspector S Parashivamurthy said that labourers who were hesitating for vaccination were convinced to take vaccines at Mullur Colony.
Dr Chandan in the Community Health Centre said that oxygen cylinders, swab tests, masks and sanitisers have been arranged at the centre.
Awareness of Covid-19 is created among the patients who arrive at the centre for treatment, he said.
Further, the health department has set up an 80-bedded Covid Care Centre at Morarji Desai Residential School in Koodige and Basavanahalli.
Taluk medical officer Dr Srinivas said that everyone should strictly adhere to the Covid appropriate behaviour.
source: http://www.deccanherald.com / Deccan Herald / Home> State> Mangaluru / by DHNS, Madikeri / August 29th, 2021
Even though colleges and schools have reopened in other districts of Karnataka, the educational institutions in Kodagu remain shut because of high Covid positivity rate. The students of Kodagu district therefore heavily rely on online classes. Ironically none of the networks function properly in Kodagu. Therefore, students from villages located near the Kerala border depend on Kerala to attend online classes.
Karike village located on the border of Kodagu and Kerala does not have any network other than BSNL 2G. If there is no power supply, even this network gets shut down. Therefore, students from Karike and Chattukaya villages go to Panathur, Kerala, to listen to their online classes. These students have to go to Panathur by using auto rickshaws or motor bikes, get seated din some open spaces or hillocks, listen to online classes, and then head back to their homes. The students are undergoing this ordeal every day. They have another problem at hand, as the Kerala police demand to see the RT-PCR negative reports from them.
The students who somehow attend the online classes and return, are often stopped by Karnataka police at Karike check post where they seek Covid negative reports. Without reports, they do not allow the students. The students need to have a negative report that is less than 72 hours old. One of the parents, Nasser, says that the students often are stranded at the border check post.
As the parents have to accompany the students to Kerala, families dependent on daily wage, lose their earnings. The deputy commissioner and ministers have repeatedly been told about the network problem but they have not done anything to address the problem, the villagers rue.
source: http://www.daijiworld.com / Daijiworld.com / Home> Top Stories / by Daijiworld Media Network – Madikeri (SP) – August 24th, 2021
Kodagu district health department managed to surpass its target of vaccinating degree students even as it faced an acute shortage of vaccines due to the limited supply of doses from the state.
Representational Image (File Photo | PTI)
Madikeri :
Despite the acute shortage of COVID-19 vaccines, Kodagu district has achieved 137% target of vaccinating 18+ college students on a priority basis.
The state department of Colleges and Technical Education had earlier directed the district health department to inoculate 11,483 degree students, teaching and non-teaching staff on a priority basis by July 27.
Special drives to inoculate degree college students were successfully hosted across healthcare centres and colleges, even as the district crossed the set target assigned by the department of education.
“Many native students are studying in colleges outside the district. Hence, we have crossed the set target and vaccinated over 14,000 students,” confirmed an official.
Special vaccination drives were hosted in nearly 33 degree colleges apart from the designated PHCs where vaccine doses were reserved for students.
“We collected reports from the colleges and planned the drive accordingly,” added the official.
Amidst the short supply of vaccines, the district has managed to inoculate students successfully while also being in the news for achieving negative wastage of the vaccine doses.
source: http://www.newindianexpress.com / The New Indian Express / Home> States> Karnataka / by Prajna GR, Express News Service / July 25th, 2021
Krishi Thapanda, who was involved in organising COVID relief through the pandemic, has taken on a new responsibility now.
Along with four other like-minded friends, Krishi is part of a core group that is working on teaching homeless children at government-run childrens’ shelters in Coorg. “While children in cities have access to the best teaching methods, those in rural areas often don’t have access to laptops or phones to enable online learning. So, they haven’t had any kind of learning in the past year and a half owing to the pandemic,” points out Krishi.
The actress and her friends identified three government-run shelters that were in need of help and set up a programme that will look into their educational needs. “The idea is to give them basic knowledge. The age group of children is from six to 18, who have been divided into three categories. Volunteers have signed up for it and they will teach the kids various subjects.
We have got permission from the authorities to hold two hours of class on week days and we want to make the most of it. As of now, we are in the process of gathering pre-loved laptops and phones to give these children and teach them basic English, so that they find it easier when they step into the real world to earn a livelihood in their later years,” shares Krishi, who will be teaching them acting, dancing and some other art forms too.
source: http://www.timesofindia.indiatimes.com / The Times of India / Home> News> Entertainment> Kannada> Movies / by TNN / July 01st. 2021
Covid warriors collect swab samples from people in a rural area in Kodagu.
Hundreds of Covid warriors in Kodagu district, who have been toiling day and night, serving Covid-19 patients, are still awaiting their Covid-19 risk allowances from the government.
Except for Asha workers, the doctors, laboratory technicians, group D staff, staff nurses and nurses working on a contractual basis are awaiting their remuneration.
The state government had announced that it will provide a risk allowance for six months.
The additional secretary to the department of health and family welfare had issued an order towards the disbursal of the allowance, by the end of May.
It was ordered to provide a risk allowance of Rs 10,000 for a period of six months, for the group D staff who work while wearing PPE kits, at the Covid Health Centres, Designated Covid Hospital and the Covid Care Centres.
Similarly, an allowance of Rs 10,000 and Rs 5,000 was to be paid for doctors, nurses and lab technicians working on a contractual basis, and an allowance of Rs 3,000 for the group D staff working without wearing PPE kits, outside the hospitals.
A nurse from Madikeri said that the government has recognised their work and has assured them that it will provide the allowance.
However, it should reach us when we need it, she added.
Covid warriors said that they have been collecting swab samples from people living in remote areas and hilly regions.
Also, the Covid warriors have provided medication to people who were in home isolation.
They have worked in hospitals by wearing the PPE kit during the entire day.
The Covid warriors urged the government to hike their salaries.
District health officer Dr Mohan said that the amount towards the risk allowance has been released and will be paid to the Covid warriors within the next four days.
source: http://www.deccanherald.com / Deccan Herald / Home> State> Mangaluru / by Adithya KA, DHNS, Madikeri / June 26th, 2021
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