Global Kodava summit to unite the community from across the globe

Funds of nearly Rs 3 crore are being spent for the event that has garnered support from all the Kodava Samajas including the Samajas established abroad.

Members of the Kodava community
Members of the Kodava community (Express)

Madikeri :

A Global Kodava Summit aims to unite the Kodava community under a single roof and highlight the culture, traditions, and crises faced by the community. Several members of the community in the district fear that the culture, traditions, and practices of the Kodavas are at stake and will soon vanish.

The summit will host various cultural programmes, exhibitions, and seminars to preserve the unique practices of the Kodavas. It will be hosted by the Connecting Kodavas Trust and will be held on December 29 and 30 in Madikeri.

The summit is the fruit of efforts taken by the trust for several years. “Since 2017, the Connecting Kodavas forum has been involved in collecting details of every Kodava clan from the nook and corner of the district,” said Niran Nanjappa, one of the core members of the Connecting Kodavas Trust.

Meanwhile, volunteers have visited all the villages in the district to document details of the roots of the various Kodava clans.

“As per our research, over 1,000 Kodava clans are in existence. Many other clans have vanished. A few clans have just two members and the biggest clan has over 650 members. All these details are documented and will be revealed during the summit that is likely to witness participation from 20,000 to 25,000 people,” Niran Nanjappa added.

“During our research, we have found several anecdotes relating to the roots, practices and evolution of the Kodava clans. We have insights into the issues that led to the vanishing of several clans too. All these anecdotes will be shared to ensure that the community flourishes and our culture is preserved,” he opined.

“After the summit, we also plan to release websites for each clan so that the members of the clan can track their lineage,”Niran Nanjappa added.

Funds of nearly Rs 3 crore are being spent for the event that has garnered support from all the Kodava Samajas including the Samajas established abroad.

Alongside seminars, the Global Kodava Summit will also have demonstrations of the various practices, architecture, and ancestral history of the community as well as interactive workshops.

The forum also aims to establish a model village in the near future across five to six acres of land to highlight the uniqueness of the community.  

source: / The New Indian Express / Home> States> Karnataka / by Express News Service / October 31st, 2023

My coffee journey

While coffee’s third wave is about the quality of the beans, sustainability and single origin bean-to-cup brews, the next wave will focus on cold brews, innovation, and a new approach to coffee marketing.

My coffee journey
Credit: DH IllustrationDeepak Harichandan

I was five when I had my first taste of coffee. It was just a few drops, milky and sweet. I insisted on tasting it, as my coffee-loving mother always felt ‘refreshed’ after drinking ‘kaapi’. As a teenager, study time started with a cup of ‘good’ instant coffee. My Tamil Brahmin best friend’s paati (grandmother) introduced me to filter coffee a few years later. Raised in Delhi in the ’90s, coffee wasn’t necessarily a hot topic. There were no cafes and coffee chains then. Latte, cappuccino, and Americano were not part of my vocabulary yet.  

I enjoyed my filter coffee everyday, but I rarely ventured beyond that. Over the years, I read about the coffee varieties and trends. I considered myself a coffee lover, but it wasn’t until a month ago that I realised my understanding of coffee was limited. First, I had the opportunity of visiting a coffee plantation in Kodagu. Intrigued by what I learned there, I felt compelled to attend the World Coffee Conference at Bengaluru Palace a few days later. It was in September, around International Coffee Day. It opened to me a world of coffee, with its variety of beans, processing and brewing methods, and roasts. Since then, I have signed up for coffee cupping sessions, interacted with coffee experts and sampled unusual brews.

At the India International Coffee Festival in Bengaluru 10 years ago, I got to paint with a coffee concoction. I also participated in latte art tutorials, and got to look at the latest farming equipment being used. Much has changed since.

What’s brewing?

Living in Karnataka, a state that accounts for more than 70 per cent of the country’s total coffee production, the beverage is hard to escape. Bengaluru is home to numerous cafes, besides international chains such as Costa Coffee, Starbucks and most recently, Tim Hortons.

Awareness about coffee has grown in recent years. People are clued in on the different roasts (light, medium or dark), where their beans are sourced from (estates and regions), and their flavour profiles (broadly earthy, fruity, nutty or floral). 

[object Object]
Credit: DH IllustrationDeepak Harichandan

Arabica and robusta are the most common varieties grown in India. Arabica has a smoother and sweeter flavour, with hints of fruit, chocolate, nuts, and caramel. It is used mostly for speciality coffee. Robusta coffee is known to have a strong and bitter taste. It is earthy, with notes of burnt wood. It is the most commonly used variety in South India. Low grade robusta beans are used to make instant coffee powder. Chicory, often added to coffee powder, lends it the ‘roasted’ flavour. An excess of it can make the coffee feel stronger or bitter. 

Broadly, there are two types of coffee processing — natural and washed. In the natural process, the cherry is allowed to dry out completely and fermentation is uncontrolled, as it happens inside the cherry itself. In washed processing, the pulp and skin are removed but the mucilage on the bean is broken down by the yeast and bacteria on the cherry and its skin.

A recent addition to my kitchen gear is a French press. After a wait of about five minutes, you can enjoy an aromatic cup of coffee with its oils retained. At the conference, I was introduced to other options: the pour over, aeropress, siphon, Chemex and percolator. 

Home cafe 

One of the stalls I visited was promoting the e-commerce platform Something’s Brewing, a part of Kaapi Machines, a company that sells coffee equipment and accessories. The start-up was born during the pandemic.

Vivek Vishwanathan, a representative of the company, took me through how I could brew a good cuppa with their Budan espresso machine, which has an inbuilt grinder. The brew, made from arabica coffee, had a heavy body and was intense on the palate. It tasted like it was processed with its oils, giving it the thick consistency that one experiences at good cafes. The machine is a time saver, he told me. He stressed the importance of the right grind size for each brewing method, the quality of coffee beans, and the importance of tamping the coffee evenly in the portafilter while brewing.

Of the many unique coffees I have tried, the bubblegum coffee and the toffee coffee from Hatti Kaapi have stayed in my mind. They brought back memories of Boomer, the strawberry-flavoured bubblegum of my childhood, and old-fashioned caramel candies. 

The Coffee Board of India classifies speciality coffee into five broad categories — decaffeinated coffee (coffee with caffeine removed artificially), organic coffee (grown without using chemicals and pesticides), high grown coffee (grown at higher elevations — 4,000 ft and above), estate coffee or single origin coffees (highlighted by the special features of the estate it is grown in), and variety coffee (Indian varieties like Kents, Agaro, Cioccie, and CxR, which stand out for their quality).

Kents is a varietal of the arabica, and is known for better yield and its resistance to leaf rust, while CxR is a robusta coffee, developed for better yield and a better flavour profile. Agaro coffee is an arabica variety, mostly grown in Ethiopia. It is found in few farms in India. Cioccie is also an old Ethiopian variety.

In terms of speciality coffee, India has a long way to go, says Abhinav Mathur, managing director of Kaapi Machines. “The popularity of speciality roasters is just kicking off in our country, with companies like Blue Tokai Coffee Roasters and Third Wave Coffee Roasters getting funding,” he shared.

In the near future, beverage types will go through more innovations, he said. Abhinav says a majority of their consumers are well-travelled professionals who have sampled coffees across the world, and “the curious Gen-Z crowd who are getting started early”. “They ask many questions, some of which even we have to research. They are value and sustainability conscious, and are aware of the various flavour profiles and coffee types available now,” he added. 

While coffee’s third wave is about the quality of the beans, sustainability and single origin bean-to-cup brews, the next wave will focus on cold brews, innovation, and a new approach to coffee marketing. Coffee experts say that innovation will revolve around home brewing and speciality equipment. 

Farm to cup

Some are also paying attention to how their coffee is grown. I spoke to A M Ganapathy, the owner of Vivekananda Coffee Estate, a family-owned plantation in Chettalli, Kodagu. Here, regenerative agricultural practices put together by the Speciality Coffee Association, a trade body, have been diligently implemented. 

The practices help improve the quality of the soil. “Increasingly, there is a demand for chemical-free coffee. Regenerative agriculture is a holistic farming system that focuses on soil health, food quality, biodiversity improvement, water and air quality. It improves soil health through practices that increase soil organic matter. It also aims at enhancing water holding capacity and carbon sequestration. The government is encouraging farmers to take up this practice,” Ganapathy explained. 

The process also supports biodiversity and returns carbon and nutrients to the soil. “Soil organic carbon and soil organic matter are vital for plant growth. It also facilitates water infiltration, retention and nutrient cycling, reduces erosion, and provides habitat and food for diverse species,” he added.

Regenerative agriculture includes cover crops (that are planted to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested), integration of livestock and reduced or zero tillage, he shared. “Our annual yield is moderate and varies between three-fourth to one tonne per acre,” he said.

Taste notes

My newfound interest in brewing methods and roasts led me to sign up for a few tasting experiences. At the Starbucks Coffee outlet on Lavelle Road, Bengaluru, cupping sessions are held regularly. At one of their sessions, I tried their Diwali Blend and the Single Origin Kenya Coffee, sourced from Kenya.

At the slow coffee bar, four brewing methods awaited me — a siphon, Chemex, French press, and pour over. Though I had seen them at the Conference, I was taken by the chemistry lab-like setup. It was fascinating to watch the Diwali Blend being made in the siphon, and the Kenyan coffee in a Chemex.

The siphon is a vacuum-filtration method, which uses halogen lights to heat water. The movement of evaporated water from the lower chamber to the upper chamber and back was theatrical to watch. The Chemex is considered a hybrid brewing method. Its one-piece hourglass shape with a collar looked decorative, more than like coffee equipment.

The Diwali Blend was a blonde roast. It was sweet and aromatic (it had notes of dusted cocoa, apricot, and dried ginger). I took a whiff of the freshly ground Kenyan coffee. It was floral and fruity. When I took a sip it made my mouth water. This meant that it was highly acidic, I was told. 

The brewmaster, Madhav, explained: “The brewing methods are based on how one likes one’s coffee, keeping in mind factors like intensity and taste.” Each brewing method has its own characteristics. A siphon is said to produce a delicate and aromatic cup, while the Chemex with its triple-layer paper filter makes a smooth and clean cup. The pour over method makes a cup of rich, clean and balanced coffee, and the French press is used to make a full-bodied, thick cup of coffee, where the oils are retained.

I then tasted the Sumatran coffee (a single origin coffee from Indonesia) made in a pour over. It had earthy and herbal notes. One whiff of it reminded me of the first rains of the monsoon season.  

I also tasted two cold brews — one made with coarsely ground Kenyan coffee (smooth and sweet) and a nitrogen cold brew (infused with nitrogen) of the same bean, which was creamy, refreshing and smooth.

The interesting part about such cupping sessions is the number of common and not-so-common facts one comes across.

Slurping is important in the coffee world. At the handful of coffee cupping sessions I have attended, I was urged to slurp the drink. It is the best way to taste all the different flavour notes.

At another coffee cupping session at Maverick & Farmer Coffee, Halasuru, Bengaluru, I tasted a coffee I have wanted to for years — the civet coffee (it was not the original Indonesian Kopi Luwak but an Indian version of the same). Often referred to as the ‘poop coffee’, it is made from partially digested coffee cherries, eaten and defecated by a civet cat. It was from Pankajam Estate in Idukki, Kerala. This Indian version had a hint of cardamom. I was informed by Ashish D’abreo, coffee roaster and co-founder of Maverick, that the coffee plants were grown on a cardamon estate, which could possibly explain the presence of the spice note. 

Acidity level, aged, body, dry, earthy, fine, flat, and grassy, were some of the terms I heard being used at these sessions. They made me realise there was so much more I needed to learn. 

A Plantation Tour

A visit to Yemmigoondi estate in Pollibetta, Kodagu, owned by Tata Coffee, threw light on how these plants grow and are harvested. The plantation was spread across 1,500 acres (600 odd hectares). As I took in the view of the arabica plants on the left and the robusta plants on the right, I wondered when they would harvest. A company representative told us that robusta are stouter and grow almost twice the size of an arabica plant. “For robusta, the space maintained between two plants is around 10x10ft. After applying fertiliser and culturing, robusta starts yielding by the fifth year. Arabica gives yield by the fourth year,” he added.

I learnt that the two varieties require unique environments to thrive — robusta plants are smaller in number and need more heat. Arabica starts maturing by November, and robusta matures around December. Robusta makes up 60% of the estate’s entire crop, I was told.

Puneet Das, from Tata Consumer Products, explained that consumption of instant coffee remains high in the country. “For the south of the country, where coffee is a regular habit, hyperlocalisation as a strategy works as it has native appeal. Our new coffee decoctions like Chukku Kaapi (a popular Kerala drink made from dry ginger, black pepper and coffee powder), and the Coorg Kaapi are some examples,” he said.

What is a Wave in the Coffee World ?

It refers to a period of time in the evolution of coffee. The field has gone through several big changes and innovations. The first wave (started in the 1800s) represented a shift from coffee being a novelty drink to a commodity. In the second wave (started in the 1970s), it became a culture (characterised by the arrival of coffee chains). The third wave (started in the 2000s) revolves around consumer awareness, focus on flavour profiles and the coffee bean.

The fourth wave is said to be dominated by innovation. Coffee experts say that we are now entering the fourth wave. In coffee innovation, fermentation plays an important role in unlocking or creating new flavours. In the last decade, farmers have exprerimented with many controlled fermentation processes, while working with temperature, or introduction of yeast and bacteria from other fruits. Ashish, of Maverick, says, “In 2018, we created a fruit-fermented coffee. We introduced lightly-pulped oranges into the fermentation barrel. In another case, we extracted lactic acid from milk and added it into the fermentation, which rendered a honey flavour to the coffee,” he says. Ale yeast is also being added to fermentation barrels by many, which gives the coffee notes of beer, he adds.

Indian Market

Indian coffee is considered one of the best in the world. It fetches a high premium in the international markets. Coffee is primarily an export commodity for India, and its consumption in the domestic market is 25 to 30% of the country’s production.

Cup Facts

Brazil is the biggest coffee producing country in the world, followed by Vietnam and Colombia. India comes sixth.

Decaffeinated coffee doesn’t mean that your drink is caffeine free. The decaffeination process removes about 97% of the caffeine in the beans, but it is never 100% removed.

source: / Deccan Herald / Home> Special / by Tini Sara Anien / October 28th, 2023

Ooru Peru Bhairavakona’s Humma Humma: Sundeep Kishan tries hard to charm Varsha Bollamma

Ram Miriyala has crooned Ooru Peru Bhairavakona’s Humma Humma song that is composed by Shekar Chandra

Ooru Peru Bhairavakona’s Humma Humma: Sundeep Kishan tries hard to charm Varsha Bollamma
Sundeep Kishan and Varsha Bollamma

Sundeep Kishan, who was earlier seen in the gangster saga Michael this year, is all set to entertain audiences with the mystical thriller Ooru Peru Bhairavakona soon. Kavya Thapar and Varsha Bollamma play the female leads in the thriller produced by Razesh Danda under Hasya Movies, while Anil Sunkara is the presenter. VI Anand, who worked with Sundeep in Tiger, is the director.

A new single from the film, Humma Humma, was launched today. Shekar Chandra scores the music for the thriller. Ram Miriyala has crooned for the number, jointly lyricized by the composer and Tirupathi Jaavana. The catchy fusion track focuses on how the protagonist is smitten by the woman of his dreams and goes all out to woo her. The quirky lyrics, composition capture his enthusiasm.


‘Naa Valla Kade Bomma..Nee Kallu Chuste Amma..Inta Kalamu Lede..Vinta Lokamu Ente..Jaari Paddade Manase,’ the song’s opening lines read. The simple lyrics showcase the plight of a youngster who’s desperate to express his feelings to a loved one. Ram Miriyala’s laidback rendition, Sundeep Kishan’s expressions and Vijay Binni’s vibrant choreography enhance the appeal of the number.

The song has been shot at popular locations in Hyderabad and cinematographer Raj Thota’s aesthetic sense lets you explore the charm of the city while driving the story forward. The music video introduces viewers to the team behind the song, from the singer to the composer, lyricist and director as well. Humma Humma could be your ideal companion for a car ride to lift your spirits during a lazy evening.

The teaser of Ooru Peru Bhairavakona, released a few months ago, earned encouraging responses from audiences. Besides the mystical thriller, Sundeep Kishan is associating with actor Dhanush for two of his upcoming projects: Captain Miller and D50.While the former hits screens this December, D50 is directed by Dhanush himself.

source: / OTT Play / Home> News / by Srivathsan Nadadhur / October 28th, 2023

Prize-Winners Of 22nd Edition Of Kodagu Golf Open Championship-2023

Following are the prize-winners of 22nd Edition of Kodagu Golf Open Championship-2023 held at J.W. Golf Club in city on Oct. 7 and 8:

Strokeplay GrossField Marshall Cariappa Memorial Trophy – Sponsored by K.C. Biddappa: M.A. Bopanna (75 Gross) – Winner (Better Back 9 Over H.S. Arun Kumar); H.S. Arun Kumar (75 Gross) – Runner.

Strokeplay Net (H/C 0 to 12) – Gen. K.S. Thimmaiah Memorial Trophy – Sponsored by Mandovi Motors: Amogh Devaiah (69 Net) – Winner; M.R. Surya Kumar (70 Net) – Runner (Better Back 9 Over P. Ramesh).

Strokeplay Net (H/C 13 to 18) – Sqn. Ldr. M.B. Chittiappa Memorial Trophy – Sponsored by Mallengada B. Nanaiah: K. Mahesh (65 Net) – Winner; M.A. Ramesh (66 Net) – Runner.

Stableford Net (H/C 0 to 18) – Kodagu Warriors Trophy – Sponsored by Star of Mysore: K.L. Jayaprakash (40 Points) – Winner; Rahul R. Jain (39 Points) – Runner (Better Back 9 Over Dr. S. Prasanna Shankar).

Stableford Net (H/C 19 to 24) – Kodagu Challenge Trophy – Sponsored by Mall of Mysore: M. Preethal (42 Points) – Winner; M. Suresh (40 Points) – Runner.

K.C. Biddappa (chief guest) teeing off to inaugurate the 22nd Edition of Kodagu Golf Open Championship-2023 at J.W. Golf Club on Oct. 7. Dr. Abraham Thomas (President, JWGC), M.A. Bopanna (Chairman, Tournament Sub-Committee), Dr. P.A. Kushalappa (President, Association of Kodagu Golfers of JWGC) and JWGC Members were present. The two-day Championship was sponsored by Association of Kodagu Golfers of J.W. Golf Club.

Stableford Net (H/C 0 to 24) for seniors above 65 years – Senior Challenge Trophy – Sponsored by B.G. Jeeth Uthaiah: Dr. S. Prasanna Shankar (39 Points) – Winner; K.M. Veer Mohen (37 Points) – Runner.

Stableford Net (H/C 0 to 24) for super seniors above 75 yearsSuper Seniors Challenge Trophy – Sponsored by Dr. P.A. Kushalappa: Dr. Placid Lasrado (35 Points) – Winner.

Best Kodagu Golfer – Stableford Net (H/C 0 to 24) –  Sponsored by Bopy’s Inn: Dr. K.A. Nanjappa (36 Points) – Winner.

Best Lady Golfer – Stableford Net (H/C 0 to 24) – Sponsored by C.B. Chengappa: Anupama Vatal (35 Points) – Winner.

Nearest to the Pin – 2nd Hole – Sponsored by Ramya Bopanna: Dr. M.N. Guruprasad (3 Feet 11 Inches) – Winner.

Nearest to the Pin – 6th Hole – Sponsored by Travel Parkz: Praveen Chandar (14 Feet 5 Inches) – Winner; Nearest to the Pin – 12th Hole – Sponsored by Praveen Chengappa: K.C. Eapen (18 Feet 6 Inches) – Winner.

Crooked Line – 16th Hole – Sponsored by K.B. Kushalappa: Dr. A.M. Preethi (On The Line) – Winner; Hidden Holes – Sponsored by Brig. N.N. Madappa – S.N. Hemanth – Winner.

A total of 269 golfers took part in the Championship sponsored by Association of Kodagu Golfers of JWGC, according to a press release from JWGC Tournament Sub-Committee Chairman M.A. Bopanna and JWGC Hon. Secretary V.G. Achar.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / October 09th, 2023

AGM Of Kodagu Heggade Samaja On Oct. 15

Mysuru :

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Kodagu Heggade Samaja, Mysuru, for the year 2022-23 and 2023-24 will be held at Coastal Rock Restaurant, Ring Road on Oct. 15 at 10 am.

Pollanda D. Suresh, retired Police Officer and Thorera Ponnakki Ganesh, Women Congress President and President of Tailor Association of Virajpet will be the chief guests.

Pandikanda C. Vittala, President of Kodagu Heggade Samaja, will preside.

For details contact Mob: 73536-57787.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> In Briefs / October 12th, 2023

Cooking in Coorg

Mouni Roy compares shooting for Brahmastra to Star Vs Food survival.

The final episode of Star Vs Food Survival is all set to air on October 30 on Discovery+ and Discovery Channel.

It will take the audience deep into the heart of Coorg’s forest. Mouni Roy will embark upon the journey alongside Ranveer Brar as the duo climbs mountains, cross waterfalls, and cooks during their 20 km journey.

Mouni compared her experience of shooting for Star Vs Food Survival to that of Brahmastra: Part One – Shiva. She said, “During the shoot of the film, we wore harnesses and did a lot of rehearsals. This is only one take.”

About the enthralling journey in Coorg, Mouni revealed, “One person who will be really proud of me today is my husband. Whenever we plan any sports or adventure activity, I ask him to go with his friends while I plan a day at home to chill that includes watching a movie or reading a book. I will keep this adventure as a surprise for him.” Mouni also revealed that Nolen Gur Powder is best sweet in the world.

source: / The Tribune / Home> Entertainment / by Vuukle / October 29th, 2023

Komodo Dragon appears in Karnataka: Lesser-known facts about one of the world’s largest lizards

Like most reptiles, the Komodo Dragons also use their forked tongues instead of their noses to smell. It can detect rotting prey from 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) away. However, its sense of hearing and sight are less than impressive.

Komodo Dragon appears in Karnataka: Lesser-known facts about one of the world’s largest lizards
Komodo Dragons can weigh up to 154 pounds. (Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Komodo Dragon was recently spotted in the village of Kunda in Ponnampet taluk, situated in the Kodagu district of Karnataka. The six-foot reptile was found near the residence of a resident named Dileep from Kodandera. In this article, we will share lesser-known facts about the Komodo Dragon, one of the world’s largest lizards.

Lesser-known facts about Komodo Dragon


According to various research publications, Komodo Dragon originated in eastern Australia (dating back from 300,000 years ago to roughly 4 million years ago).

Excellent sense of smell

Like most reptiles, the Komodo dragons also use their forked tongues instead of their noses to smell. It can detect rotting prey from 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) away. However, its sense of hearing and sight are less than impressive.


While Komodo dragons can reach the length of a small car, their tails are as long as their bodies. It is interesting to note that their tails are strong enough to take down a deer.

Also read: Dragon losing steam? China’s trade surplus narrows to $68.36 bn from $80.6 bn in July as exports slump


Komodo dragons, giant lizards, are ruthless carnivores. It can eat any meat (ranging from large deer to even humans or water buffalo). It can eat nearly their entire body weight in just one sitting.


Komodo dragons can also swim. These lizards are often spotted as far as miles off the shore of the five islands they reside on. It can also run as fast as 19 km per hour.


Komodo dragons can weigh up to 154 pounds on average. It can grow up to ten feet long (three meters), approximately.


Komodo dragons are famous for their notorious and venomous hunting strikes.


While Komodo dragons are only present on five Indonesian islands and in no other country in the world, four of these islands make up what is known as Komodo National Park. However, the fifth island is that of Flores.

source: / News Nine / Home> Knowledge / by Shaheryar Hossain / October 29th, 2023

Biodiversity expert calls for collating rainfall data from farmers

C.G. Kushalappa, scientist and retired dean of College of Forestry in Ponnampet. | Photo Credit: K. MURALI KUMAR

Expressing concern over the change in rainfall pattern and temperature in Kodagu, an expert well versed with the hilly district’s ecosystem has suggested that the government should ask research centres to collate rainfall data from farmers’ rain gauges to study the impact of climate change on the district’s ecosystem as well as catchment area of river Cauvery. 

“Kodagu has a practice of almost all the farmers keeping rain gauges in their estates and maintaining daily rainfall data for several decades. The government should ask reputed research centres to get such data from farmers to assess the impact of climate change,” says C.G. Kushalappa, former dean of College of Forestry, Ponnampet and an expert on Kodagu’s ecosystem. 

“The need of the hour is to study and understand the patterns related to impact of climate change on different areas of Kodagu through micro-level data,” he says. This is because the impact of climate change varies in different areas within the small district. Analysis of rainfall data from 110 farmers had showed a pattern of rainfall going below 50% of average two times once in 12 years.

source: / The Hindu / Home> News> India> Karnataka / by B S Satish Kumar / October 29th, 2023

The rise of mushroom coffee in India

Low on caffeine and high on protein, mushroom coffee is having its time in the sun and the rise in Indian homegrown brands in the segment is proof.

A cup of mushroom coffee contains about half the amount of caffeine than in a regular cup of coffee | Photo Credit: Getty Images

First, there were plant-based milks, then came avocados, and now there is mushroom coffee that appears to be the new kid on the block, driving a caffeinated generation to pick up a seemingly healthier alternative.

A quick Google search suggests there is curiosity rapidly building around the product. Especially in India where brands are taking a stab at it, and are now routinely answering questions on what indeed is mushroom coffee, or most importantly, how do these two ingredients even get along? “Imagine the same taste of coffee, but with about 25-30% of the coffee powder being made of mushrooms,” says Rakesh Bhatnagar, founder of Gurugram-based Rooted Active Naturals. Launched in 2020 with the aim to bring superfoods from across the globe to India, he says, “The idea was to introduce such superfoods in an easy-to-consume, potent, and tasty manner,” adding that this approach almost immediately led him to dig deeper into the medicinal qualities of mushrooms, which became the first launch category, and continues to be their top selling one.

Variants of mushroom coffee
Variants of mushroom coffee | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Think your regular earthy coffee flavours, but with a dash of nuttiness and without the cons of getting acid reflux or caffeine-induced insomnia. “It became a game changer for a caffeine addict like me, who started facing some health concerns, but also felt irritable throughout the day every time I tried to quit,” says Vinay Kumar, 33, a software engineer based in Pune. Vinay has been a shroom coffee loyalist since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, when longer work hours at home, coupled with little to no movement meant a sleep cycle being thrown into complete disarray. “And the caffeine was only exacerbating everything. That’s when I stumbled upon mushroom coffee online and thought I should give it a shot,” says Vinay. And he never looked back. Initially, he would mostly spot international brands online, but within a year, he found more homegrown names listed on e-commerce websites. A 100-gram pack of this joe in India is priced anywhere between ₹400 and ₹1,000, with average prices hovering around ₹600 for 100 gms.

From the 1940s

Interestingly, the origins of mushroom coffee go back to a dark time in history — the World War II era to be precise, when in the 1940s, coffee became one of the first few goods to suffer from chronic and acute shortages across Europe. Consequently, an alternative was introduced in Finland, where people started to increasingly brew and consume chaga mushroom coffee. This variety of fungi grows on the back of birch trees in cold terrains like Northern Europe, Korea, Siberia, Russia, Northern Canada, and Alaska. It has traditionally been used in these cultures and other parts of Asia as an immunity booster.

An image of the processing unit at Rooted Active Naturals
An image of the processing unit at Rooted Active Naturals | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

“Our mushrooms undergo purely water-based extraction. This method preserves the critical bioactive components and ensures batch-to-batch consistency. It also prevents the loss of essential mushroom properties during the extraction process,” says Shivam Hingorani, founder of Ace Blend, a Mumbai-based company born in 2019 that deals in plant-based food.

While Rooted Active Naturals uses a blend of instant Arabica coffee with a mix of lion’s mane and chaga mushroom powder in their formulation, Ace Blend adopts a slightly different route. “We blend the chosen superfoods in their effective doses with 100 percent medium roast Arabica extract,” Shivam says of his brand that garnered over 10,000 customers in the past month. “As more consumers discover the remarkable advantages of mushroom-infused products, including improved cognitive function and jitter-free energy, we expect the demand for our mushroom coffee to continue surging worldwide at a rapid pace,” he adds.

The mushroom factbox

Some commonly used mushroom extracts to prepare coffee are derived from the chaga, reishi, lion’s mane, and cordyceps variants.These variants are known as adaptogenic mushrooms, which are considered herbs that, when consumed regularly, are known to help the body deal with stress.A cup of mushroom coffee contains about half the amount of caffeine than in a regular cup of coffee.

How to brew it?

Formulated as a powder, shroom coffee is brewed the usual way, with a teaspoon of it mixed in a cup of warm water or milk with sugar, as per taste. If one wants to have it cold, just brew it the regular way and let it cool down, before serving with ice. When this writer had her first cup of a shroom coffee blend brewed in warm water without sugar, the flavours reminded her of a well-made cappuccino, but in almond milk, as it comes with that distinctly nutty punch bearing a more velvety texture.

For 25-year-old Rosanna P from Goa — a recent shroom coffee convert — the switch happened after she had a cup of the brew at a friend’s place and did not realise it. “I actually thought it was a superior brew,” the self-proclaimed coffee connoisseur says. “The texture is just silkier. And for someone who picks her beans with utmost care, this discovery really surprised me,” she says. 

f one wants to have mushroom cofee cold, just brew it the regular way and let it cool down, before serving with ice
If one wants to have mushroom cofee cold, just brew it the regular way and let it cool down, before serving with ice | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Rosanna recalls hearing about shroom-coffee back in 2016 from a friend who lives in the US, and it is a fact corroborated by Chirag Kenia, Founder, and CEO at Urban Platter, a “gourmet grocery brand” headquartered in Mumbai and established in 2015. Chirag’s platform has been selling mushroom coffee since 2018, and he remembers a buzz around it since as early as 2017. “The US as a market started adopting these products very voraciously around 2017-18, which is also when we introduced it in India,” he says.

Chirag, however, believes the product has only reached a niche consumer base thus far, so the only way to scale it further is to underline its nutritional values as a superfood. “Mushrooms are such wondrous, nutrient-rich ingredients that immediately elevate any dish they are a part of,” he says, before predicting that the next big mushroom innovation will be snacks made of it. Clearly, it’s a mushroom world, and we are only living in it.

source: / The Hindu / Home> Food> Features / by Arshia Dhar / October 27th, 2023

10 Poets Selected For First Dr. CPK Kavya Award To Be Conferred On Oct. 29


A total of 10 poets have been selected for Dr. CPK Kavya Award given by Spandana Samskrutika Parishat in honour of veteran litterateur Dr. C.P. Krishnakumar (CPK), according to Parishat President T. Satish Javaregowda.

Those who will be conferred the annual  award given for the first time are: Kavita Hegde Abhayam of Dharwad; Vijayalakshmi  Nuggehalli of  Bengaluru;  Hemalatha Vastrad of Vijayapura; Sangeetha Raviraj of Kodagu; Dr. N.K. Dileep of Chamarajanagar; S.G. Pasha of Shivamogga; Kotresh S. Uppar of Hassan; Chandrashekar Madalageri of Gadag; Nagaraj Talakadu of Mysuru and Dinesh Haraganahalli of Mandya.

The award will be conferred on the poets at the State-level  Dasara Kavi-Kavya Sambhrama event to take place at Negilayogi Maruleshwara Seva Bhavan, K.G.Koppal in city at 10 am on Oct. 29. Noted Poetess Shashikala Vastrad will confer the award in the presence of CPK.

Noted Sugama Sangeetha artiste Dr. H.R. Leelavathi will inaugurate the programme. Prof.Neelagiri M. Talwar will preside.  Parishat President Satish Javaregowda will deliver the key-note address. Senior Journalist Amshi Prasanna Kumar will release the book ‘Sanje Vihara.’

Negilayogi Samajaseva Trust President D. Ravikumar,  IPS Officer Dr. A.N. Prakashgowda, NeuroZone (Gopala Gowda Shanthaveri Memorial Hospital) Managing Director Dr. Shushruth Gowda, Dakshina Kannada ZP Deputy Secretary A.E. Raghu, author Mohammad Azharuddin and others will be chief guests.

The programme will begin with the conduct of Kavigoshti at 11.30 am in which about 70 poets will take part. The award conferment and valedictory will take place at 4.30 pm. Additional DC P. Shivaraju will deliver the valedictory address. Veteran writer Dr. CPK will felicitate University of Mysore Syndicate member Dr. T.R. Chandrashekar and Kannada activist M. Mohan-kumar Gowda on the occasion.

source: / Star of Mysore / Home> News / October 28th, 2023